Artwork at Oncology Unit, St. Lucia
@ngozi758 Awareness of all types of cancer. very inspirational piece done by two national artiste! #worldcancer #stlucia #okeu #oncology #February ♬ The Enemy (Cancer Awareness Song) [Live] – Fabion 305 Artwork at Oncology Unit, St. Lucia @ngozi758 Awareness of all types of cancer. very inspirational piece done by two national artiste! #worldcancer… Read More Nutrition […]
Nutrition and Health- Cancer Awareness
Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative – Knowledge Repository
The World Health Organization has developed an ambitious, concerted and inclusive strategy to guide the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem.
Breast Cancer Self Exam in the Caribbean Region
This animation demonstrates how to perform a breast self-exam for early detection of breast cancers.
Cervical Cancer in the Caribbean Region
Cervical cancer ranks among the highest cancer rates globally, disproportionately affecting women in low-income or underserved communities.
Prostate Cancer
What is the prostate? The prostate is a walnut sized gland found between the bladder and the penis. Prostate cancer begins when cells in the prostate gland begins to grow out of control. Facts Symptoms Advanced Stage When It Has Spread Risk for Prostate Cancer Screenings for Prostate Cancer Men with more than one close […]
Be Breast Aware-What to look for!
What is breast cancer? A disease where cells in the breast grow out of control. Facts Symptoms of Breast Cancer Be Observant Observing your breasts regularly can help in early detection and prevent cancer from spreading. . . Test your knowledge on Breast Cancer by clicking the link below. . . Be in the […]
Pancreatic Cancer Prevention
Understanding the types, causes, signs and symptoms, and ways in which it can be prevented
Colon Cancer Prevention
Colon cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the large intestine- the lower part of the digestive system. 1 in 20 persons will be affected with colon cancer 60% of colon cancer deaths can be prevented Women and men aged 50 and over are most likely to develop this type of cancer; however, […]
Cervical Cancer Prevention
The development of cervical cancer is usually very slow. It starts as a pre-cancerous condition called dysplasia. This pre-cancerous condition can be detected by a pap smear and is 100% treatable. Undetected, pre-cancerous changes can develop into cervical cancer and spread to the bladder. It can take years for pre-cancerous changes to turn into cervical […]